Tuesday, June 9, 2020

UPDATE on LarryBoy Fanatic's 100th Episode

Hi, guys! It's Veronica!

I wanted to talk to you guys a bit on where things are headed, in regards to LarryBoy Fanatic's 100th episode. I have a few things to talk about actually.

  1. First of all, the 100th episode is still happening. There have been some bumps along the way; and I'll explain why shortly.
  2. Second, the plan (or what I hope) is to upload the video on June 26th, which happens to be my birthday. If not, then the week of June 26th. Hopefully, I can make my goal. But don't worry. The 100th video is coming soon.
  3. After uploading my video asking who wanted to be in my next video, we've only had one submission. I understand that some of you may not have had time to create a 15-sec. shout-out video, but that's okay. Instead, I'll be featuring our viewer-submitted video in the 100th episode, and be sure to credit them in the video itself.
  4. The reason why I had dragged my feet on the 100th video was because of the fact that I had recently lost someone in my family; and for a good while, I've been depressed about it. But now that I've come to terms with the loss about 80%, I should be able to return to production. Clips and photos have been saved; the voiceovers have been finalized; and now it's down to putting together and editing the video, as well as creating a thumbnail and a sneak-peek poster of what's to come on the channel.

Anyways, that's what's been going on, and I hope to finish right on schedule; or, at the very least, have the video done and uploaded no later than the end of June 2020.
So, yeah. This was a blog post on me updating you guys on LarryBoy Fanatic's 100th Episode. And I hope you'll enjoy it, once it's uploaded on YouTube.

Take care! : )

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