Thursday, July 25, 2019

LBF Throwback Thursday: Buying the "LarryBoy and the Bad Apple" DVD

Hey guys! This is the LarryBoy Fanatic!
And I'm here to tell you guys another Throwback-Thursday story! Today, I'll be telling the story of how I first got my hands on the LarryBoy and the Bad Apple DVD--my most prized possession, AND my all-time favorite movie. Personally, I love this story a lot! So, let's jump right in!

The Radio Annoucement
Now, this story takes place when I was thirteen years old back in July of 2006.
I was a gas station with my grandma (my mom's mom) and my two sisters, and we were listening to K-LOVE on the van radio (for those of you who don't know, it's a radio station that plays Christian music). And then, I heard the DJ announce that LarryBoy and the Bad Apple was set to release soon. I was in the car seat thinking Wow! That's amazing! LarryBoy is coming back! Awesome! because I already had LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space and LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed for quite some time, since I had started middle school back in 2004. 
So, after that, I scrambled to save money here and there. Whatever my other relatives would give me, I would put towards LarryBoy and the Bad Apple. This was going to be my first time buying a DVD, and I had no idea how much DVDs were at the time.

Finding the DVD
Eventually, my other grandma (my dad's mom) took me shopping at a Walmart. I remember having $40 in my pocket because, again, I didn't know how much DVDs were back then.
Upon entering the store, I made a beeline to the Entertainment section, where all the movies, CDs, and electronics were. As I walked over to that section towards the back of the store, my heart was racing. Deep inside, I was both nervous and excited-- nervous, because I wasn't sure if the DVD was going to be in the store; and excited, because I knew that LarryBoy was in another adventure.
I was smart enough to head to the kids' movie section, and that was where I began scanning for my DVD. And then... if I had found the Holy Grail, I was face-to-face with LarryBoy and the Bad Apple inside a glass case (It was one of the new releases that were out at the time, so it made sense for it to be inside a case). When I had first seen the cover of the DVD, I was amazed, because all that time, I wasn't sure what it was going to look like--I only knew the name, not the face. 
So, I immediately called for an employee to unlock the glass case and get the DVD for me so that I could pay for it. I was fumbling with my money at the register, because I was filled with joy. This was it! LarryBoy and the Bad Apple was going to be mine! And that was where I found out the DVD was less than $40 (Thank God!)--I think it was on sale for no more than $20, because that was how much I had eventually forked over. 

Now, I wasn't able to watch the DVD that day, because I was staying at my dad's at the time, and I didn't have access to a DVD player. But as soon as I went back home, I popped the movie into my DVD player, and... Let me tell ya: That movie was a good investment! And that movie had changed my life!
The story, the animation, the characters... pretty much everything about LarryBoy and the Bad Apple was awesome! And that movie became my go-to LarryBoy video... It was that good! And I was so happy! 
If I hadn't came across this DVD, or just news of it, then I would've been missing out. But of course, I didn't miss out, and I consider myself a lucky gal!

TWITTER: @FanaticLarryboy

LarryBoy Fanatic

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