Thursday, July 18, 2019

LBF Throwback Thursday: Bullied for Being a LarryBoy Fan

Hey guys! LarryBoy Fanatic here!

And today, I'm doing another Throwback Thursday story. This is the story explaining some of my being ridiculed for being a fan of LarryBoy, and even VeggieTales in general. Now, mind you: some of this may be outrageous to read about, but this was how it was, basically, back then for me.

When I was about to start middle school, that was when I was getting to know VeggieTales and LarryBoy a bit more. And that was also when my LarryBoy fandom had officially started, because when I had first seen him in that Pay-Per-View viewing of LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows that only got me curious. And then, I fell in love with videos like LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space and LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed.

So, when entering middle school, that was when the ridicule had started.

I remember hanging a hand-drawn picture of LarryBoy inside my locker, and one kid said that he didn't like VeggieTales. He went on to say, "The characters are gay."
I challenged him, asking, "Which one?"
And he said, "All of them."
I didn't appreciate that kid saying that VeggieTales was "gay," because one, it's not nice; and two, I guarantee you that he had never since an episode of VeggieTales in his life.

From then on, there would be the occasional snickers and talking behind my back that would take place at school. And every once in a while, I would hide LarryBoy from people. I remember contemplating over and over on whether I should stop hanging LarryBoy pictures in my locker, because some people would try to rip them off the door and laugh.

The bullying even followed me to high school, when some kid approached me in art class, saw LarryBoy on my binder, and asked, "Are those toilet plungers?" (He was talking about LarryBoy's signature plunger ears.)
I didn't say anything. If I had said "Yes," then he would've ridiculed me. Though, I can't lie about it either, because the answer was already obvious.
Well, the guy ridiculed me anyway, and said, "You're weird." Yeah. I'm weird, because I like LarryBoy. Tell me something I don't already know...

So, I've learned to live with the bullying, because I wasn't going to give up on LarryBoy. I wasn't going to stop loving LarryBoy all because my peers either didn't get it or they didn't think that he amounted to anything. LarryBoy has done a lot for me over the years. He has kept me from harming myself; he has kept me from losing hope; he was always there whenever I needed him. I would put on his videos, every time I felt sad and alone. He was there. If more people knew that... If my peers had known that, then things would've been different at school.

Thanks for reading this story. Sorry if it sounded depressing for some of you, but that was my life for quite a while. And do I have regrets? No, absolutely not. Let me tell ya: If I had regrets, then I wouldn't have made a YouTube channel dedicated to LarryBoy. Simple as that. : )


LarryBoy Fanatic

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